
Mars Rules

My debut novel is a sci-fi thriller that will have you laughing on the edge of your seats.Trigger warning- there's something to offend everybody in my story, but it's pop culture that takes the worse ........

Mars Rules

It is an established fact that laughter is the best medicine. When you smile hormones are released and the world seems brighter.Therefore my novel is essential for your health. 😉

Mars Rules

A short excerpt from my novel is attached. You may even know the tune and if you pinch your nose and sing falsetto you will feel Melanie's pain

Mars Rules

My rules include, buy my book and read it. SimpleMy debut novel is a sci-fi thriller that will have you laughing on the edge of your seat.The story takes place in an alternate universe, on Earth's sis ........

Two immortal aliens and the stupidity pandemic

In an alternate universe on Earth's sister planet Gaia...A mysterious entity called the TDS grows in the Stony Mountains.It may offer the answer to everlasting life. Some want to own it, and some to d ........